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Foundational seismic dampening technology

(person in charge: Engineering Department)
WIB method of construction handling agency
I enter into E & D techno design and a co-operation contract with us and enable the utilization of the patent technology of the E & D techno design as WIB method of construction handling agency.

<liquefaction measures method of construction>

The WIB method of construction is the name that arranged initials of Wave Impeding Barrier and means a vibration measures method of construction.
I build a high-stiffness cell form structure body (WIB mechanic) to necessary depth of the subjacency of the building and neighboring within the base and make the strongly stable composition ground and am a method of construction to absorb a subsonic vibration by an earthquake or the traffic, and to damp.
I am characterized by the performance design method to achieve quantity of vibration reduction target in the grand total of a seismic isolation effect and the control on vibration effect. Vibration reduction does the vibration before measures to 1/2 in wall-formed WIB mechanics to 1/3 in printing block-formed WIB mechanics.
The WIB mechanic reinforces endurance strength of the foundation of the soft ground and prevents subsidence and the liquefaction of the building.
As "shaking measures" and "the making of foundations of building" are possible at the same time, the cost side is reliable, too.

<nondestructive testing >

From a vibration measurement technology, I evaluate healthy degrees such as a stake or the bridge framework in the underground.
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